Operating as Baby Reni, Irene Ha (b.1997) is a Vietnamese-Dutch artist who simultaneously deconstructs and opens fashion conventions from an art standpoint. The exploration of her South-East Asian heritage in relation to youth-/pop culture is a reoccurring theme within her work. The kaleidoscopic assemblages, installations and performances she creates are recalibrations of everyday diasporic objects, trinkets and interiors to celebrate the mashup that is Diasporic Southeast Asian Pop Culture. Baby Reni can be seen as a strategic deployment of “cuteness” as an aesthetic category, where power lies in unthreatening appearances.

Next to her art practice, Ha runs Baby Reni Foundation. An unusual private art collection consisting of discarded art experiments of friends, paintings and drawings by fellow artists on loan/bought or even exchanged with some Baby Reni pieces. Offering a space for experiment and exploration she curates her home like how she styles her own outfits.

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